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Labiaplasty Houston Plastic Surgeon

Labiaplasty Procedure (Labia Reduction) What Causes Labial Hypertrophy?

  • Mechanical irritation by sexual intercourse

  • Childbirth

  • Lymphatic Stasis

  • Chronic irritation from dermatitis or urinary incontinence

  • Genetics

Disadvantage or Reasons Women Seek Reduction of their Labia

  • Difficulty with hygiene (toilet paper sticking),

  • Discomfort with clothing that is tight

  • Pain with riding a bike

  • Labia catching in zippers

  • Painful intercourse

WEDGE Method:

  • This labial reduction technique was first introduced by Dr. Alter, a Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon in 1998.

  • The wedge method preserves the natural edge of the labia.

  • It does not disrupt or remove the delicate free margin of the labia minora

  • It also tightens the entire length of the labia minora, including the portion next to the clitoris

  • Can be carried forward on either side of the clitoris, tightening the clitoral hood

  • More complex procedure, requiring more skill, to reduce the chance of too much tightening of the opening of the vagina or injury to the urethral opening.

  • Modification with de-epithelialization may reduce nerve damage.

TRIM Method:

  • This is a simpler method involving trimming the free margin of the labia minora.

  • It has an advantage for a patient who does not like that pigmented tissue and wants it removed

  • Removes tissue along the entire length of the labia minora, except for the area immediately next to the clitoris, which may produce an extra "tab" of tissue there

  • One of the disadvantage is that it does not improve or tighten the clitoral hood.

  • More likely to damage the nerve endings of the labia minora than other techniques

  • May be more effective for very long and enlarged labia

  • Simpler and less technically demanding procedure

There are several methods when it comes to performing a labiaplasty. Each method have their own advantages and disadvantages, and thus the method used should be individualized. I recommend asking your plastic surgeon regarding these techniques.

Emmanuel De La Cruz MD, PLLC Houston Plastic Surgeon References: Hodgkinson DJ, Hait G. Aesthetic vaginal labioplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg. Sep 1984;74(3):414-6 Alter GJ. A new technique for aesthetic labia minora reduction. Ann Plast Surg. Mar 1998;40(3):287-90. Choi HY, Kim KT. A new method for aesthetic reduction of labia minora (the deepithelialized reduction of labioplasty). Plast Reconstr Surg. Jan 2000;105(1):419-22; discussion 423-4 Girling VR, Salisbury M, Ersek RA. Vaginal labioplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg. May 2005;115(6):1792-3. Goodman MP, Placik OJ, Benson RH 3rd, Miklos JR, Moore RD, Jason RA, et al. A large multicenter outcome study of female genital plastic surgery. J Sex Med. Apr 2010;7(4 Pt 1):1565-77

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