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Keys to a Long-term Success in Liposuction

After liposuction, patient needs to have a realistic expectation to have a long-term succesful outcome. There are 4 key elements to have a succesful outcome after liposuction:

1)Exercise - Exercising after liposuction is very important, especially after the initial surgery. We encourage our patient to start exercising 2 to 4 weeks after their surgery.

2)Proper Diet - It is very important to eat a healthy diet consisting of fruits, vegetables and fish. We recommend avoiding fatty food, drinking sodas, and eating excessively. We recommend consulting with a nutritionist if one is having difficulty having a proper healthy diet.

3)Positive Lifestyle Changes

4)Succesful Body Contouring - It is important to choose the right surgeon who would perform your procedure. Unfortunately, cosmetic surgery is unregulated here in the United States, and we recommend choosing a plastic surgeon who is trained in liposculpture surgery to perform your procedure.

Before & After Photos of VASER Liposuction (6 weeks after surgery) performed by Emmanuel De La Cruz MD, PLLC.

A clinical study conducted by Dr. Rohrich revealed that:

  • "Among the 57 percent of patients who did not gain weight, 35 percent report exercising more postoperatively (compared with only 10 percent in the weight gain group, p = 0.002) and 50 percent report eating a healthier diet (22 percent in the weight gain group report eating a healthier diet, p = 0.002). "

  • In the weight gain group, 67 percent report no change in their diet regimen and only 17 percent thought their productivity increased (compared with 25 percent among the no weight gain group, p = 0.002). Successful body contouring surgery requires a patient to embrace positive lifestyle habits. "

Thus, the long-term success of a liposuction procedure is dependent on having a healthy proper diet and exercise. One can still gain weight after your liposuction procedure if one does not exercise and eat a healthy diet.

Reference: Rohrich, et al. The key to long-term success in liposuction: a guide for plastic surgeons and patients. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2004 Dec;114(7):1945-52; discussion 1953.

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon

Houston, Texas

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