Defining your Six-packs Abs with Hi-Def VASER Liposuction
Sometimes, regardless of how much workout and strict diets, one can’t succeed on developing the six-pack or rectus abdominis muscles. Pretty often, patients comes to my office searching for a procedure that can make their underlying muscle or six-pack noticeable. High Definition VASER Liposuction would be the right solution for a six-pack body. Colombian plastic surgeon, Alfredo Hoyos, created this revolutionary body contouring technique that enhances the underlying musculature in order to achieve well-defined or ripped six-pack abs, in both men and women (1). He have trained hundreds of plastic surgery physicians in the High Definition and 4D LIPO technique, worldwide. In 2013, I had the good fortune of traveling to Bogotá, Colombia and got trained and certified by Doctor Hoyos in the latest VASER Hi-Def Liposculpture methods. Since then, I have executed over a hundred procedures in the State of Texas, which delivered some amazing results.

One of the extensive benefits that High Definition VASER liposuction offers is that this procedure can be used on both, athletic patients who work out at the gym, as well as overweight patients who want more definition and muscular look. It works by selectively removing deposits of fat surrounding specific muscle groups to enhance the visibility of the natural muscle contours underneath. Traditional liposuction procedures did not allow surgeons to remove and properly contour the superficial fat layers. However, with the latest innovations of Hi-Def VASER lipo, such as the ultrasonic emulsification of fat and rotating cannula, an experienced aesthetic surgeon can literally rip your abdomen and narrow your waist line like never before.
Typically, the six-pack abdominal procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Usually, five very small incisions (of less than 1 centimeter in length) are placed on the abdominal wall. Tumescent fluid is injected. This fluid contains anesthetic which helps with pain control during and after the surgery, and epinephrine, which minimizes blood loss. Tumescent fluid is also antibacterial, so there is less chance of infections. The surgeon selects the area to be treated and uses the ultrasound-assisted device to liquefy the fat cells, leaving the surrounding nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue unaffected. By only melting fat, the VASER leads to more rapid healing and smoother results. Since the VASER also creates thermal energy, this generated heat causes further fat to dissolve and causes significant skin contracture. Results from clinical studies presented at the 78th Annual American Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting in October 2009 demonstrated a 53% improvement in skin contraction relative to the standard liposuction procedures (2). It’s worth noting that thermal skin contracture is not attainable with traditional liposuction. These clinical studies have also shown significantly less blood loss with the use of the VASER. Specifically, an average reduction in blood loss of 26% compared with traditional liposuction methods (3). Altogether, these beneficial factors positively impact the procedure final outcome and recovery process. Therefore, an increasingly large amount of patients now opt for High-Definition VASER sculpting procedures to obtain the rock-hard abs they have always desired.
“Dr. Alfredo Hoyos’ liposuction gives dramatic and desirable results”. The New Economy 2017.
Lewis, Linda W. “Taking Shape”. MedEsthetics.
Garcia, O., Jr., Nathan N. 2008. “Comparative Analysis of Blood Loss in Suction-Assisted Lipoplasty and Third-Generation Internal Ultrasound-Assisted Lipoplasty”. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 28(4): 430-435